Ethereum: pip/pipx installation and adding path
Here is an article on how to install the Ethereum connector using PIPX and add the way:
Installation of a binance library with PIPX
To install the Binance Connector library, you will need to use PIPX, Python Package Manager. Here’s how to do it:
- First, update your package list:
SUDO APT update
- Then install PIPX:
sudo APT Install Python3-Pipx
- You can now install the binance connector library using PIPX:
PIPX Installation of Binant-Conector-Peris-Penis
Add the road to the connector
After installing the connector’s library, you need to add the way to the performed Binance-Connector so that it knows where to find the data.
- You can do this by adding
or ~/.config/python3/bin`to the variable of the middle of your system.
- Here are examples of how you can set these directories in Debian:
sudo nano /etc /pat
Add the following rows at the end of the file:
~/.local/bin: $ PATH: $ Home/bin
~/.config/python3/bin: $ PATH: $ Home/bin
Save and leave the editor.
Check the installation
Once you have added the road, you can check that the connector library is installed by starting:
Python3 -c "by a client to import binans connector; print (client.connect ())"
This should print your Binance API credentials. If everything was going well, you should see a message showing that the library was successfully installed.
Example use
Here’s an example of how to use the Cryptocurrency Price Request Connector:
Import binance_connector
Set your API ID to Binance
client = client.connect (‘your_api_key’, ‘your_api_secret’)
Symbol = ‘btcusdt’
Start_Price = 1.0
Get the most character price per symbol
Data = Client.get_historical_Price (symbol = symbol,
Start_Price = Start_Price,
end_price = end_price)
Print the data
Print (data)
Note: Replace your_api_key
and your_api_secret` with your actual Binance API credentials.
I hope this helps! Tell me if you have any questions or need additional help.